How to Make Soto Ayam

Soto Ayam is one of famous food and become favorite food in every moment in Indonesia. There are some recipes of Soto Ayam, therefor it has variety of flavors. One of the recipe is described below.
Main ingredients:
1 whole chicken
200 gram of sliced cabbage
200 gr of boiled bean sprout
4 pieces of steamed potato
2 plum of sliced tomato
500 gram of rice noodles
3 boiled eggs
2 liter of water
Fried onions
Ingredients for the soup:
2 sheet of bay leaves
2 stalks of lemongrass
3 sheet of kaffir lime leaves
1 stalk spring onion that already thinly sliced
25 gram of galangal
2 tablesoons of cooking oil
Paste spice:
5 gr of turmeric
4 pieces of pecans
15 gr ginger
3 cloves of garlic
3 cloves of onion
½ teaspoon of pepper
2 tablespoons of salt

First, saute the paste spice, then boiled the whole chicken that is already cut into four pieces with in a saucepan with adding the paste spices, water, lemongrass, bay leaves, kaffir lime leaves, gingers and galangas, boiled it about 30 minutes until the chicken is well cook. Add salt and pepper also. After the chicken is cooked, saparate the chicken meat from its bone by using knife or fork. Shred the chicken meat, the bone is added into the saucepan.
Second, keep the gravy warm after the spring onion, and fried onion are added. put bean sprouts, sliced cabbage, tomatos, sliced potato, egg and the shred chicken in a large bowl then flush it with the soup in the saucepan if needed sprinkle it with another fried onion. The last step is server together with sweet soy souce, vinegar, chips and crackers.


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