Individual Task2 review film The Good Dinosour

Review Movie The Good Dinosour
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Title                            : The Good Dinosour
Release Year              : 2015
Duration                     : 1 hour 33 minutes 38 seconds
Production Company : Pixar Animation Studios
Film Director             : Peter Shon
Casts                 :  Poppa Henry as Jefrey Wright, Momma Ida as Frances  Mcdormand, Arlo as Raymond Ochoa, Buck as Marcus Scribner, Spot as Jack Bright.
Story Line : The Good Dinosour is an animation movie from Pixar that told about the adventure of a dinosour, Arlo, who went to find his family. One day, everyone on Arlo’s family makes a mark but they must show that they did greater something then  they could do it. When Arlo tried to do a job from his father to catch spot,  but his father ends up dying when they sought spot. And once again spot is back, Arlo tried to catch spot and he fell into the river and carried away from his home so he did not back to his home. He remembered the father’s message that “ as long as you find the river, you can find the home”. And then he continued his adventure. He got the challanges in his adventure to find the home. But finally, he found the home.

Review : The Good Dinosour is a well-animated movie. the foreground animation is amazing, looks like live action, but the actual characters look more cartoon. This movie also gave us a learn that we must not to blame the others. The main character must learn that even though the world can be tough, he must able to not get discouraged and to perseve. 


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