How To Make A Buras
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Talking about food, there is a food is so delicious, namely Buras. Buras is packed by banana leaf like a Lontong, but Buras is a food that made by rice and coconut milk. Whereas Lontong is a food that made by rice only.  To make a Buras is so simple and easy, so you can make it by yourself at your home. So let’s follow what should you do to make a Buras.
You have to prepare some tools that you need such as, pan, basin, spoon, stove, rope, banana leaf, and etc. And the materials that needed are 1 liter of rice, 3 sheets of pandan leaf, ¾ liters of coconut milk, and salt.
If all of the tool and materials is already, firstly wash the rice by water until really clean and turn on the stove and steam a rice until half-cooked, if rice is half-cooked, do not forget to turn off your stove and then put the rice into basin. Secondly, pour the coconut milk as much as ¾ liter, salt which suitable that you need, and 3 sheets of pandan leaf and stir until coconut milk is even. Thirdly, turn on your stove and steam again the rice is have stirred about 15-20 minutes until cooked. If  the rice is cooked, turn off your stove. Next, use a spoon to take the rice and packed by banana leaf then bind it. Bind it well so that if the Buras cooked is not broken. If all of them have packed, then steam again the rice have packed about 1 hour. Wait until the Buras well-cooked. If Buras well-cooked, finally It is ready to serve.
For your information Buras is a food which always served example in great event like in idul fitri or idul adha.
                                      # Have Fun to Try It#

How To Make A Soto Ayam

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Soto ayam is food that exist in each region in our nation. Taste of soto ayam in each region is different, but the  materials and the way to make it is almost same. And if you are interested to learn how to make a delicious soto ayam, you can make it by follow the steps bellow.
If we want to make a soto ayam, there are some materials and tools that needed. And the tools that needed are : wok, pan, stove, spatula, spoon, mortar or blender, mug, and etc. And the materials are : 2-3 piece of chicken, 200 gram of bean sprouts (boiled), 200 gram of cabbage, 4 potatos, 2 tomatoes, 3 eggs (had boiled), mihun which suitable that you need, 2 liters water, fried onion, 2 sheets of salam leaf, 2 citronella, leek , 25 gram of galangal , lemon leaf and 2 spoon of oil. Beside that, we need some other spices that must change into smooth texture, like:  5 gram of turmeric, 15 gram of gingger, 3 clove of onion, 2 clove of garlic, 4 candlenut, 2 spoon of salt, and ½ spoon of pepper, and chili which suitable that you need (for sauce). Those are about the materials, so let’s see the way to make soto ayam.
First, turn on the stove and boil the water and put the slice of chicken into the pan that contain boiling water, wait until the chicken is ripe. While the chicken boiled, blend all of the spices such as tumeric, gingger, onion, garlic, candelnut, and pepper. After all of the spices have blended, pour 2 spoon of oil into a wok and put citronella and galangal that have crashed, and also put salam and lemon leaf, then saute all of the spices until smell. The spices have fried, pour into a pan that contain the chicken. Second, add salt and sugar which suitable that you need. If the chicken is ripe, take some of chicken then fried it until brown. After that, shredded chicken meat from the bone. Third, prepare mug and put smooth mihun, bean sprouts, cabbage, tomato, leek, slice of egg, fried onion, and fried potato. The last pour the gravy that is already ripe. Finally, Soto ayam is ready to serve.
    Addition information, soto ayam is suitable to eat when it still warm. Especially, in the rainy season.
Thank youuuuuuu.......

How To Make A Dangke
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Enrekang is famous with its tourism place and traditional food. Tour destination such as Nona Mountain, Latimojong Mountain, Cekong Hill, and so on. And for traditional food such as Deppa Te’tekan, Nasu Cemba, Dangke, and so on. And I will share to you about the way to make a traditional food of Enrekang, especially Dangke. But, before I tell you about it, you must know  that, making Dangke is so simple and also it does not need much materials, it just needs milk and sap of papaya. Dangke is made by fermentation of milk of Cow, Goat, or Buffalo. Dangke is known as cheese of Enrekang. Well, let’s see how to make a Dangke.
You must prepare the tools, such as : pan, stove, container (piece of coconut shell), spoon, and etc, And the materials  are : fresh milk of cow, goat or buffalo, and sap of papaya.
Then the Steps to make it are, prepare the tools and materials, the first step is take a fresh milk of cow and pour it into a pan, then turn on your stove. Before milk is boiled, put some drops of sap of papaya into a pan (for your information guys, do not put too much because it will make a Dangke become bitter). Second, use a spoon to stir milk carefully until milk lump up/solid and  separate  from the water content of the milk. After the milk have been lump up/solid and resemble with Tahu, turn off your stove then separate milk that have been lump up with its water. Third, put it into the container (piece of coconut shell) and pressure so that it will has same form of the container.  And finally, Dangke is ready to eat. 
Dangke will be more tasty if you fried it. And also we can make a crispy chips from Dangke.
                              # Have Fun to Try it #


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